Tuesday 17 May 2016


first we needed to design a background that has to be printed onto the mount board
so we started with a picture from in side the ice rink and cleaned it up a bit to suit our project

this is the picture with all the action at the far end of the rink

we then added one player that we took from another picture although the colours of the player do not match the colours that were in the picture,it didn't matter as we are going to colour it all when assembled

1st player
we needed to keep the action around the edges as the shirt was going into the middle

we searched for there logo and added that to the top right of the
picture knowing that we could position them where we liked at a later stage


 then the word Cardiff was coloured to match the colours in the picture

adding another player to the bottom left of the picture

and another player attacking the goals

then we altered the colours to suit the colours in the jersey

colours changed
Then it was ready to use sizing it all to fit together we ended up with the framed shirt shown below

contact Alun
Tel 02920-569997

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